Meet Larry!

Larry Long Jr is the Founder and CEO (Chief Energy Officer) of LLJR Enterprises, which focuses on motivation, inspiration, and most importantly, transformation through speaking, coaching & training programs. He is the host of the weekly Live Show, ‘Midweek Midday Motivational Minute’, and Author of ‘JOLT! Get Zapped Into Intentionality: Rediscover and Believe in Your Inner Greatness’.

Larry has been recognized as a 4x Salesforce Top Sales Influencer, and serves as a LinkedIn Influencer and Sales Thought Leader. As a former college athlete (He played baseball for University of Maryland… Go Terps!), Larry is extremely passionate about coaching, and helping business professionals and leaders take their game to the 'next level'. As an experienced sales and business leader with a demonstrated history of success in SaaS sales, Larry brings a unique perspective to the table and understands many of the challenges faced by professionals today.

His areas of experience include Sales Training, Team Development, Leadership, & Motivation within organizations of all stages (start-up to publicly traded). Practicing what he preaches, Larry continuously seeks opportunities to learn & grow. Larry looks forward to assisting you and your organization.

Opening Key Note Session:

JOLT!⚡Get Zapped Into Intentionality To Rediscover & Believe In Your Inner Greatness

As we kickoff the new year, and navigate the seemingly never-ending change, chaos and turbulence…finding your internal motivation can oftentimes be daunting! As driven Venue Owners, Managers & Leaders, you serve the needs of so many others, putting them first…the question is, where do you (yes, YOU!…) find YOUR motivation, and how do you keep a smile on your face through it all?

How can you leverage the concept of, ‘the little things, are the BIG THINGS’ in your daily life, both professionally and personally? This interactive virtual program will provide you the opportunity to outline a game-plan for prioritizing your motivation, and as a result, increasing your positive impact on others.

We will cover various aspects of motivation, including Mindset, Inspiration, and most importantly…TRANSFORMATION!

Key Takeaways:

• Clearer Understanding of Priorities for Life’s Most Important Areas

• Action Plan for Staying Connected (with Self, and Others)

• ‘Journey-Line’ Framework for Continuous Learning & Growth & Success